giovedì 29 aprile 2010


Speaking with TIM WARREN from Crypt Records about Guilty Party Boat Cruise... The boss from the label who released legendary records by bands like the Gories, Thee Headcoats, Oblivians, Raunch Hands, Devil Dogs, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, King Khan & BBQ, along with world-renowned compilations like Back from the Grave, Las Vegas Grind, Twist and Rumble, and The Socker...did this small interview for us about the upcoming R'n'R 3 days cruise.

GUILTY PARTY: We, at Guilty Party are so proud to have you as dj, we all grew up listening to your compilations (and many Crypt bands ofcourse), so what's your impression on this festival on a boat? Are you excited?

TIM WARREN: I am EXCITED as hell about spinning recs for the party!!
I dj'd on a tiny boat in France in 1997 and on the tiny Hedi boat in Hamburg in August 2009 but to do this in VENICE is going to be so much fun! (I was last in Venice in December 1973, just before my family moved back to USA after living in Athens Greece 1965-1973. I remember the gondola man letting me use his small gun try to shoot at water rats!... maybe this isn't such a good idea on this boat party! Alcohol + Guns? SCARY!

G.P.: Do you like the sea?

T.W.: YES! But that bastard Spielberg RUINED my life in 1974 with that %$#@ movie "JAWS"!! Before that, living in Greece i had pretty much LIVED in the ocean and wasn't scared of any water creatures, then that daine movie scared the shit outta me! I will try not to throw any of my 45s into the sea!

G.P.: What kind of records will you bring with you at the party? There are rumors about a Limbo Contest on the night you'll dj. Will you be ready for this?

Records: hmmm... Well, i am best known for the 60s punk stuff cos of BFTG but mostly what i've dj'd with since moving to Hamburg in January 1990 is more drunken/"danceable" stuff: 50s rhythm & blues honkers, fast 60s soul, gay mambo/limbo cha-cha rhythm & blues, Vegas-grind style instrumentals.... BUT i will bring a few choice 60s garage blasters!
The rumored LIMBO party is a MUST so i'll be sure to bring some retarded limbo twisters!

G.P.:Do you know the bands on the bill? do you like them?

I got a bit lost on keeping up with modern bands in my 10 years in the USA (mostly spent rebuilding a house for 6 years, argh!) and i try to catch up now via Dirk's good work keeping the Crypt shop in Hamburg well stocked with new releases. I only know the Oh Sees, LOVE that lp on In The Red. I heard Messer Chups on WFMU radio about 2 years ago, Fevers i've heard a bunch of, and i'm just now trying out the other bands via the GuiltyParty website coonections to the bands' myspace pages.

G.P.: What do you think about the nowadays international garage-punk scene? Better/worst than the 90es one (if make any sense to make comparisons)?

T.W.: Hmmm... i think the European scene these days is much more interesting than the USA scene, maybe too much emphasis on the "weird-punk" thing in the USA and the usual impossibility of too large a country size for USA bands to really get any kind of recognition, other than horrendous crap like Arcade Fire selling 500,000 records (still shocking... i've never actually HEARD them but i absolutely refuse to just from having read bits & pieces from a New York times feature on them!). I think I burned my brain out with the 33+ tours we made with the Crypt bands from June 1989-1997... I'm happy and proud that we DID that because we did build a European fanbase for bands that really didn't sell many records and didn't really have much of a "sound" or "style" in common. Where you can see a BIG difference between the USA and Europe is that so many USA bands are being released on EUROPEAN labels. Europe has definitely always embraced American cult music/cult bands a LOT more than the USA ever will.

G.P.: Anything else to say to all the excited people waiting to dance at your dj-set?

T.W.: To SAY? well, let's all have a crazy-assed time!
I hope to see old pals MAX & GISELLA there! (hello Turin!)

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