lunedì 3 maggio 2010

DJ TEAM (MAY 2010)

After TIM WARREN, we asked all the DJs spinning records at the Cruise
few simple questions about the party, records, sea...



1 - What's your impression on this festival on a boat? Are you excited?

2 - Do you like the sea?
3 - What kind of records will you bring with you at the party?
4 - Do you know the bands on the bill? do you like them?
5 - Anything else to say to all the excited people waiting to dance at your dj-set?



playing records on 14th may - Friday

1- WOW a party boat festival sounds like a blast... cant wait, i am counting down everyday for this...
2- I love the sea, I grow up in Valencia and spent all the sommers at the seaside, and now that i live in Berlin and dont have the sea close by i totally miss it... so gonna love this
3- All kind of records to rock that boat...

4- I know most of the bands but only saw The Fevers live... so cant wait to get on board!!!!

5- Get ready for an insane weekend, if you miss it you will regret it for the rest of your life... leave your worries at home and get ready to sin baby!!!!

GARY X (Rotterdam)

playing records on 16h may - sunday

1 - I think it will kill me. And god am I excited to die.

2 - It's a love versus hate kind of thing. I love seafood, but I hate swimming, nor do I like being attacked, stinged, bitten or eaten by dinner.

3 - Wild records. Garage, punk, rock'n'roll, rhythm & blues.

4 - Yes, I know them! I am really curious to see Thee Oh-Sees and The Fevers live. And I finally get to see the Barcella buddies in another way than drinking piña coladas with orange juice for breakfast.

5 - Do not hold back.

Jony Trash (Rotterdam)

playing records on 16th may - sunday

1 - I pee in my pants, so excited am i . Good food,people,boat,music,drunk.puke..

2 - Not really no. but hey, who cares?

3 - T-pain - i'm on a boat.

4 - SI! OH SEES! FEVERS! .. Gonna be great!

5 - Let's get drunk and FUUUUUUUCKED UP....

SAMMY BRAT (Vicenza)

playing records on 15th may - saturday

1 - I get so Excited!! We need festival like this!!

2 - Really much

3 - a lotsa of powerpop, punk, pubrock, glitterglam & bubblegum

4 - Yes i know them, great bands, i got a true obsession with the Fevers!!

5 - It must be a mass singalonga air-guitar dancing rumble!! Ok?!

PAULA H. (Torino)

playing records on 16th may - sunday

1 - I think it's a great idea doin' a party on a boat in venice and yes, I'm glad to have been invited to play records. I'm so excited to spinn records after Thee Oh Sees and Vermillion Sands

2 - No, I hate to wear my swim suit.

3 - Garage records, 60es classics, nowadays garage, and much more I still have to think about (I'll do it the day before)

4 - I know all the bands and I like all of them.

5 - no

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